Friday, 25 September 2015

Work selected for RWA's 'Open Exhibition'

My drawing 'Kandy, Sri Lanka' has been selected for inclusion in The Royal West of England Academy's 'Open Exhibition' 2015. The pencil drawing was made on location in September 2014 in Sri Lanka.


Monday, 21 September 2015

The Big Draw

I'm running The Big Draw event at the Museum of East Asian Art in Bath on Saturday 10th October.

'Select and draw your favourite object in the museum and decorate it with your own patterns, or take inspiration from the collection. The drawings produced will be displayed throughout October in the museum. 

This event is part of the Big Draw Festival – Every Picture Tells a Story.'

Find all details here:

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Drink and Draw- Alma Tavern and Theatre

I taught a Drink and Draw class this week at the Alma Tavern and Theatre in Bristol.
Drawing from interesting objects and experimenting with materials and view finders, we explored drawing in a relaxed environment with a drink!
If you're interested in attending a class in Bristol, email me at